The Pilot CON-70

Since anyone who buys Pilots probably has a bunch of these, let’s do a little mucking about today. Often lauded (correctly) as the best converter out there, Pilot’s CON-70 is the largest capacity of converter easily available on the market. It holds 1.1ml of ink and fits almost all of their higher-level pens, and even... Continue Reading →

Pilot Custom Itoya LE (Custom 74)

Another friend taking a trip to Japan, another “please help me” shopping jaunt to Itoya... I wanted an EF but was told that the store exclusive rhodium-trimmed pens came only in F/M/B, so I plumped for my first broad nib ever! I already have pens with the #5 nib in F (my Custom Heritage 92) and M... Continue Reading →

Montblanc Slimline (1980)

Another Montblanc I didn’t buy... My mother gave this to my father almost forty years ago and it has made its way to me after not being used for most of the intervening period. (I guess it’s sensible to keep expensive pens away from the kids.) For such a slim pen, it has a total... Continue Reading →

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