Pelikan 400 Black Striped (1950s)

This is the last Pelikan I bought: A very classic design It’s instantly recognisable as a Pelikan of some sort, but with a few unusual features. There is no decorative metal band on the piston, and the whole pen looks plain black... but what’s this? With the piston half-extended, showing that the stripes go all... Continue Reading →

Omas Ogiva Arco Bronze

I knew I was in trouble as soon as I decided to stop at that table. Here we go: What a beauty. This was March 2019. The typical London pen show fare was on display: lots of new releases, many many tables of vintage stuff, and some incredibly high-end pens on display at Sarj Minhas’s... Continue Reading →

Omas Dama Burgundy

Finally reviewing this pen, almost a year after it first arrived! The Dama is among the smallest pens Omas has released, but looking at a photo of it and nothing else, one would be hard pressed to see why: So it’s really just a shrunk Omas, in the same way the pocket-sized Pelikans are shrunken... Continue Reading →

Pilot Custom 823

Having wanted one for a long time, it was finally because of a kind soul on Discord that I obtained mine! They were visiting Tokyo and picked up an extra at Tokyo Pen Shop Quill before mailing it to me upon their return to the UK. The Custom 823 is normally available in only fine,... Continue Reading →

Omas Milord Arte Italiana

Italian pens have always been iffy in my general impression. From the horror stories about Visconti nibs to Delta’s strange dealings with MarteModena, they have always seemed like something to avoid.  It’s a decision made easier by the fact I don’t like the aesthetic of Visconti’s clips, and they have always been grail-level items to... Continue Reading →

2017 Roundup Post

Happy New Year everybody! Now that I’m sober again, I want to thank everyone for your support over the past year. Flex & Other Follies is now more than 12 months old! And I acquired a few more pens over the winter break, so there’ll be more reviews to come. Just hang tight! Meanwhile, a... Continue Reading →

Pelikan Nib Swapping: A Primer

I’ve run out of pens to review (hopefully only for the short term) so I’m turning to writing articles about the things I’ve picked up over these years of being in the hobby. I hope you’ll find these as fun and informative as the reviews have been! And thus, the first of these how-tos: There... Continue Reading →

Romulus Pens Fantasy Impressions

Earlier this year, there was a post on the r/fountainpens subreddit, and I was immediately hooked. So I fired off a message to John Albert, then in his early days of pen turning, and reserved a rod of his quasi-Tibaldi vintage celluloid. Though I wanted to make a Pelikan clone at first, I decided after... Continue Reading →

Waterman 42 1/2 V (1920s)

The little brother of my 12 1/2 VS, I got this on eBay on Fountain Pen Day last year, but it leaked ink everywhere when I tried to fill it. Clearly it needed restoring, but I never got around to it until recently: And what a process it was! I had to take it apart.... Continue Reading →

Eversharp Skyline Standard (1940s)

I’d read so much about Eversharp nibs and how they were supposedly incredible at flex. Well... The answer is yes. I got this off r/pen_swap and it was everything I expected! The Skyline was released in 1941 and ceased production in 1950. It came in three sizes, of which mine is the medium “Standard” version sporting... Continue Reading →

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