Namiki Impressions Ruby

The first time I even read about these, my jaw absolutely hit the floor. I saw a post on The Unroyal Warrant and I knew I had to get one somehow! Many months later I was contacted by a kind soul on Reddit and here we go: I was speechless when it finally arrived in... Continue Reading →

Pilot Custom Heritage 92 Clear

Bought this second-hand off eBay for £70: This has an RRP of roughly £160 (strangely the different sellers don’t have a consistent price for this), and also comes in blue, orange, purple and black demonstrators. It’s definitely worth the money; at this price point you’ll get a pen that easily outperforms its immediate competition (Sailor... Continue Reading →

TWSBI Vac 700 Clear (modified!)

I picked this up used on a lark for £35: Truth be told, after holding out on TWSBI for a long time and finally succumbing to the 580AL in the last days of 2016, I was surprised I hadn’t sprung for this earlier. It’s easily worth its RRP of £65, with good heft, a surprisingly... Continue Reading →

Lamy LX

Well... I think it’s pretty certain Lamy wasted their anniversary celebrations.  The slightly-darker “black amber” Lamy 2000 did not appeal to many, the Scala has never really been on the radar, and the LX generated some excitement for a while but ultimately disappointed when it became clear the new nib design was merely another plating on a... Continue Reading →

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